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Writer's pictureJessica Pickles


I’ve been lucky enough to interview Blythe Pepino - founder of the BirthStrike, the climate change consequence movement that's gained international press coverage.

BirthStrike is actually something I’ve thought about and I’m only 20. Now by no means am I making any plans to even plan having children yet, but the state of the climate (famine, displacement, food security etc) is something I’m going to have to take into consideration when deciding if I have a family. It's really sad that we even have to think about if the world will be a safe enough space to bring children into, when I’ve (and I'm sure many others have) always wanted and assumed it'd be possible to have children. This is why we need to demand policy change and implement our own behavioural changes, to ensure a global safe environment for our, and future generations, future. I'll hand you over to Blythe to explain more about it...

What is BirthStrike?

"BirthStrike is a group of men and women who are too frightened by the ecological breakdown and inaction of governing forces in response to this existential threat, that they have decided not to have a child. I made the decision personally after becoming aware of the severity of the ecological breakdown last year. Then I reached out to others and realised this was quite common which was when I decided to create BirthStrike and turn our personal decisions into a platform that could help spread the word about what is happening in the hope we will help to create system change."

What is the aim of BirthStrike?

"BirthStrike aims to spread the message of the ecological collapse and the threat to human life and civilisation by reaching every end of the media. We hope this message will help to catalyse political will to create widespread deep systemic change and create a collective united human response to this threat."

Why did you decide to take part in the BirthStrike?

"I am very worried that with the loss of insect life, soil degradation, desertification, flooding and high increases in temperature plus disastrous weather. We will see mass famine, resource war, violence, a continued rise in fascism, huge numbers of people displaced from their homes. All this could happen at the same time resulting in worldwide chaos.

There was a moment where I had a pregnancy scare and that catalysed a deep conversation with my partner about having children, this in combination with attending the 'Heading For Extinction and What to Do About it' lecture was the mixture that made me deeply think about what it is to have a child in these times."

What other measures are you taking to decrease your environmental impact?

"I stopped flying this January and I am vegan, I try not to buy things that are unnecessary like clothes and gadgets. But I still drive and as a western person nearly everything I do contributes to global warming far more than someone in the developing world. Although I think practically and symbolically individuals' actions can make a big difference (especially when enacted on mass) we cannot reduce our impact to the scale that we need to as a species without the cooperation of our policy makers putting an end to the fossil fuel empire. That is a political war that we need to win by campaigning and protesting and rebellion - a car ride which enables that rebellion is therefore worth it in my opinion. This balanced way of thinking is how average citizens must behave but anyone with any authority and power to make larger scale decision that can cut carbon emissions on a grander scale should be using that power to dismantle the system that has got us here."

What about those that have young children and are worried about the environment?

"BirthStrike stand in compassionate solidarity with all parents and does not seek to judge anyone intending to bear children. BirthStrike is not a platform to promote the decision to not have children, but an opportunity to raise awareness of the growing horror we face in the wake of climate and ecological collapse."

For anyone interested in joining the movement

"I would say do as much research as you can to make sure this is the right decision for you. And then whether you do or don't make that decision, if you are concerned about the future of the ecological/human world and want to do something to join a local campaign group.

Finally, if you do wish to add your name to BirthStrike check out our declaration to make sure you agree with our terms at and follow the google link on there to sign up."

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If you want to know more about how to pursue change and decrease your own environmental impact, feel free to check out my other posts!

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